BUK Signature verifier
SignatureVerifier Contract
The SignatureVerifier
contract is a Solidity smart contract designed to verify the signature of hashed messages using the ECDSA cryptographic algorithm. It provides a utility to ensure the authenticity of messages within the Buk Protocol.
The contract is designed with the following key component:
Signature Verification: Uses the ECDSA library from OpenZeppelin to verify the signature of hashed messages.
ECDSA Verification: Provides a function to verify the signature of a hashed message using the ECDSA cryptographic algorithm.
Public and External Functions:
generateAndVerify: Generates a hash from the given parameters and verifies the signature of the hash using ECDSA.
verify: Verifies the signature of a hashed message and returns the address of the signer.
Interface: ISignatureVerifier
The contract also defines an interface ISignatureVerifier
which outlines the expected structure and functions for the SignatureVerifier contract. The interface includes:
Functions: Functions like
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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